Art is a gift to be received and shared and comes in many many forms. Paint, Cook, Travel, Poetry... you name it, if you're sharing creative energy, that's an Art. ~Steph

Monday, June 27, 2011

Your Money Matters by Mari L. McCarthy- E-Book Review

I’ll admit I’m not one for reading books unless they are related to Art or what I call junk reading. Books about nothing that make a whole lot of sense while you’re reading them. But when I was asked to review this book ‘Your Money Matters’ with chapter titles like Resolution, Courage and Vision I was enticed. I like to hear those words in any situation and especially in the same text as Money! 

The book was written by Mari L. McCarthy of CreateWriteNow who lives her dreams while dealing with MS, working her Singing Career and teaching Journaling Skills for life.

This book serves as a guidebook and workbook to help you use Journaling as a tool to understand and change your financial situation.  Teach yourself to appreciate and celebrate your finances. I’ve always promoted Journaling for healing but never considered it when it came to Finances. This is fresh and full of info and ideas.

Another fabulous thing about this E-Book is the fact that it’s not too long so you don’t lose sight of the message.I can’t guarantee this will change your life but I can say it will change your way of thinking about the state and challenges of your finances. It will help you understand and correct. It’s hands on and head up! Definitely an E-Book worth reading.

Your Money Matters is available for pre-order and will be on Kindle and other outlets on July 18th.
To find out more about Journaling, Your Money Matters and Mari L. McCarthy visit

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Stephanie Jordan, Diviacity

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