Art is a gift to be received and shared and comes in many many forms. Paint, Cook, Travel, Poetry... you name it, if you're sharing creative energy, that's an Art. ~Steph

Monday, February 1, 2010

Song in Heart and Pen in Hand... Mari L McCarthy

Mari L McCarthy is a Journal Writing Songbird! She sings and is a Journal Writing Therapist. Mari has dedicated her life to helping others and moves past her own personal health struggles to show others how to live more fulfilling lives through Therapeutic Journaling. Her dedication to what she offers and education in Journalistic Healing is an Inspiration to all who come in contact with her.

Mari you live with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and it appears to take a back seat to the business of living and doing what you love. Talk to us about that. What inspires and drives you?

Certainly. MS according to the medical profession is known as Multiple Sclerosis, I know it as My Self.

I’ve always said that it was my wakeup call to stop running away from myself (when I was diagnosed I was running a management consulting firm, living out of a suitcase M-F, coming home on weekends to wash clothes and repack.) It was the best thing that ever happened to me because it prompted me to sit down and explore who really lived inside my body. Daily I discover more about myself, my talents, my passions. It’s helped me get on a first name basis with my body and now all parts of me are communicating, working through issues, mastering challenges, creating the best life possible for My Self.

It’s a daily reminder to be more kind and compassionate to My Self and to constantly choose health and happiness, to think more positively, to know and grow myself.

Mari, you have a couple of things going on that I’d like to talk about. Journaling and Singing.

I know you have a serious love for both. Does the Journaling and Singing somehow intertwine?

Yes. They are both creative, therapeutic exercises. They’re both about finding and using your voice and using every cell in my body.

How long have you been singing and what was your Journey like getting to the point where you are a recognized and recorded Songstress?

First, I set my goal with my Journal (goals are the mainstay of my life!) to learn how to sing. Through my journaling I found that one of my passions was singing and performing and that the time was right to pursue my passion. About a month later, I read about a local music school that had adult students and I was started. That was about 7 years ago. And the key thing was practice, practice, practice and working through all the crazycrap thoughts and messages I’d been carrying around with me, all the things that I was responsible for, things that I took personally. My singing taught me how to feel again; that singing is more than memorizing music and lyrics. I am a musical storyteller. I feel and share the story.

What inspires you to Sing? 

I don’t know. I feel all kinds of things and I want to share me, myself and I with my inner and outer world. It’s an emotionally organic part of me, I believe

Who are some of your motivators? Barry Manilow and my mother who art in heaven, my inner singer.

I’ve listened to your music and find some it very emotional? Talk to me about that.

Thank you. In learning to sing, I’ve reconnected my body to my brain. I’ve discovered that I do have emotions and that feelings are a great thing, it’s a natural part of me, personally. It’s been so therapeutic…I’ve even remembered that I did have a childhood!

Do you write your own songs? If so, what inspires you to write?

I wrote my first song, “Since Forever” for my most recent CD, “The Barry Thought of You”. It was based on a poem I wrote and read to Barry Manilow when I met him (another goal). Someday I’ll perform it for him (of course another goal). As for other songs, I just keep a Songwriting journal and jot words and phrases, feelings. I’m also taking piano lessons to learn how to accompany myself so sometimes I just play around and see what comes up.

How many CDs have you made?

I’ve made two: ‘A Baby Boomer’s Christmas’ and ‘The BARRY Thought of You’. This year, I made my first music YouTube video.

Are there any CDs in the works?

Yes, this year I’ll release “My Favorite Songs—Then and Now”. They’re Broadway tunes interpreted my way.

You also promote Journaling and have a Blog dedicated to Journaling. Talk to me about that. Why is Journaling so important to you?

It helps me further understand who I am and there’s nothing I can’t do.
It helps me master my life challenges, deal with my demons, set and get better goals, reduce stress, manage my inner critics, think more positively and that’s just the beginning.

Mari, what words of Inspiration would you offer our Readers?

Attitude is everything. You can be, do and have anything you want when you think, believe, and totally trust in your Self. It means creating a healthy, loving relationship with yourself, setting and envisioning your goals and working with your Journal to get unstuck so you can soar.
Thank you so much Mari. We wish you the best and most colorful!!

You can find out more about Mari by visiting CreateWriteNow


Kathryn Magendie said...

MS - My Self - love that; what a positive embracing of Self...thank you for this interview!

Steph Jordan said...

:-) Thank you. Glad you enjoyed. Mari is amazing.


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