Art is a gift to be received and shared and comes in many many forms. Paint, Cook, Travel, Poetry... you name it, if you're sharing creative energy, that's an Art. ~Steph

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dreams -Photography by Kate Magendie

Previously I interviewed Wordy Goddess, Kate Magendie. I have to tell you that this lady is one of those people that enriches life by her very presence. Aside from being a sensitive and enticing Author she is also a wonderful photographer.

Take a break and let this beautiful photography work its wonder on you!


Kathryn Magendie said...

oh! Thank you, Stephanie -- this turned out beautifully *smiling* ...

Steph Jordan said...

Thank you for sharing such beauty!!!

Anonymous said...

While viewing your eye opening photo's, they took me back to my teen age, and young adult years when I always had my 35mm camera with me to capture the beauty of nature and our suroundings. Thank you for waking up the photograher in me.

PS: I'm packing my 35mm as part of my daily gear once again.

Kathryn Magendie said...

*smiling* - yes!


(c) 2009 - 2011
Stephanie Jordan, Diviacity

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