Art is a gift to be received and shared and comes in many many forms. Paint, Cook, Travel, Poetry... you name it, if you're sharing creative energy, that's an Art. ~Steph

Friday, May 14, 2010

Paintings by Tolis Katsiropulos

Introducing the Beautiful and Mesmerizing Artwork of Tolis Katsiropulos.

Find more wonderful artwork by Tolis on his Youtube Channel

Εισαγωγή του όμορφου και να γοητεύσει έργου τέχνης Tolis Katsiropulos.
Βρείτε περισσότερο θαυμάσιο έργο τέχνης από Tolis στο κανάλι Youtube του

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(c) 2009 - 2011
Stephanie Jordan, Diviacity

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